In recent days, some of our users have encountered an error that phusion Passenger Watchdog would not start because it was executable. There are a number of factors that can cause this problem. Now we will deal with them.
Approved: Fortect
because its executable (/ usr / lib / phusion-passenger / agents / PassagerWatchdog) doesn’t exist. This likely means that your Phusion Passenger build is not working or complete, or that the passenger directive is set to the wrong value. Please reinstall Phusion Passenger or correct the passenger_root directive, whichever applies
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I ran into the same basic problem when compiling from source, but it was already occurring intermittently, which was very frustrating (I think it should work with Rails frameworks). We couldn’t use Passenger-install-apache2-module / Passenger-install-nginx-module truth scripts, we needed a special nginx installation.
I actually solved the problem by going to almost all With the Passenger-config --root
parameters and then executing: rake nginx
The officially supported PassengerAgent aggregation method (without compiling Nginx like the Passenger-Install-nginx module does) goes through this build agent.
Passenger order:
Passenger-config 5.0.26 will also later automatically detect the error described in this StackOverflow question and will automatically prompt you to run the above command.
answered Nov 12, 12 at 22:23
I pretty much ran into this error myself and struggled to find a good one aboutAnswer, so my report follows.In my setup, I am assuming Ubuntu, Apache2, last passenger and a couple of rails. 3.
- Install Ruby and Rubygems. Note: (very) make sure your
gem -v
is correct. If not, repeat the whole idea twice. -
sudo install gem Passenger
cd / usr / lib
tar zxvf Passenger-3.0.12.tar.gz
- Add
Export-PATH = / var / lib / gems / 1.8 / bin: $ PATH
to ~ / .bashrc -
ln -s / usr / lib / passtger-3.0.12 / usr / share / phusion-passenger
# => this removes the market damage associated with PassengerWatchdog. NB: Passengerwatchdog has nothing to do with the fact that we restored binaries using apt-get. -
ln -verts / usr / lib / passtger-3.0./usr/lib/phusion-iegenger
12 # => similar problems.
Approved: Fortect
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Probably, after a day and a half of work, he will not have enough memory. I'll clean up if I have to start over.

Try installing the Passenger module from the running script Passenger-install-apache2-module.I had a problem, but on nginx; I installed Passenger via Indications of Gem,and then manually recompiled nginx in addition to the Passenger module - this caused the error you found. After running Passenger-install-nginx-module errors, they kind of disappeared.
answered Feb 25, 2012 at 9:00 pm.
It's been a while since I restarted nginx and in the meantime this particular passenger path has changed. I thought I saw in nginx the.conf
everything that needed to be defined using Passenger_root
and found that most of it was the old value:
http { Passenger-directory /home/nginx/rails_app/myapp/shared/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/iegenger-enterprise-server-3.0.17;
server { listen to 8888; stream / home / nginx / rails_app / myapp / stream / public;
answered Oct 7, 2013g., found at 21:39.
I had the same problem with my Nginx server.
In my case, Passenger_root
site was invalid due to treasure update.

[1] On Linux, I searched the passenger directory with the following command:
find / -identity PassengerWatchdog
[2] I have now changed my passenger-directory to evaluate this directory.
[3] Reboot and server type.
Answered Jan 2 '15 at 15:00
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