Approved: Fortect
This tutorial was written to help you if you receive the unity3d heightmap execution error code.
I found a better way. Unity can import unsaved files and continue sequentially if their extension changed to .bytes and you used the UnityEngine.TextAsset type to reference them. I paid to extend the method for the TerrainData class, which can often load raw data from the UnityEngine.TextAsset.bytes array.
Approved: Fortect
Fortect is the world's most popular and effective PC repair tool. It is trusted by millions of people to keep their systems running fast, smooth, and error-free. With its simple user interface and powerful scanning engine, Fortect quickly finds and fixes a broad range of Windows problems - from system instability and security issues to memory management and performance bottlenecks.

You can create an array of TextAsset in your script and drag and drop precise .byte heightmaps into it. I would tell the inspector:
public TextAsset [] Heightmaps;
When people want to set a heightmap against a landscape, they do it:
Terrain.terrainData.LoadHeightmap (heightmap [index]. bytes);
This is an extension symbol script for TerrainData. You can find the byte order (Little (Windows) or Big (Macintosh)). If AdjustResolution is true, the terrain output heightmap is compared to the entire file.
with UnityEngine; Using System.Collections; public enumeration byte order Small, Thick public static TerrainExtensions class Clients static void LoadHeightmap (this is TerrainData tData,byte [] rawData, Endianness dataEndianness = Endianness.Little, bool AdjustResolution means false) int h = (int) Mathf.Sqrt ((float) rawData.Length / 2); If (adjust resolution) Variable size = tData.size; tData.heightmapResolution = h; tData.size - size; otherwise if (h> tData.heightmapHeight) m = tData.heightmapHeight; simple integer y = h; float [,] digits = new float [h, w]; int now i = 0; for (int y means 0; y
If someone is building your project, you will need to point the heightmap file to the data directory (denoted Application.dataPath) after the build is complete. Using the default path during this scenario, you need to create a new DEM folder in your data. The folder also contains a heightmap.raw file. In the program, the data folder is ProjectFolder / Assets, so you can use its Assets / Heightmaps /
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large public string heightmapPath = "/Heightmaps/heightmap.raw"; public land; void AMethod () Load terrain (HeightmapPath, Terrain. field data); Unnecessary terrain load (line aFileName, TerrainData for terrain) aFileName = Application.dataPath + aFileName int h equals Terrain.heightmapHeight; int t = Terrain.heightmapWidth; float [,] means new data float [h, w]; with (var file = System.IO.File.OpenRead (aFileName)) using (var person reading = new System.IO.BinaryReader (file)) for (int y means 0; y
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