You should read these troubleshooting tips if an unofficial Windows 98se Service Pack 2 error occurs on your computer.
Approved: Fortect
Approved: Fortect
Fortect is the world's most popular and effective PC repair tool. It is trusted by millions of people to keep their systems running fast, smooth, and error-free. With its simple user interface and powerful scanning engine, Fortect quickly finds and fixes a broad range of Windows problems - from system instability and security issues to memory management and performance bottlenecks.

Last modified 11/27/2020 (This version will NOT be published)3.66RepairAUTOCHK.EXE 5.1.2600.5512 Added Windows XP SP3FILE64.DLL + FILE64.VXD Added full 4GB patch for size limitrloew IMAGING.DLL 5.00.2210.WinME just added CD (preview)Added new patch SATA + SATA.INFAdded SHIMGVW.DLL 5.50.4134.100 WinME CD (WDMEX preview)added VXD rloew patchTIMEZONE.INF. FixedRemoves WDMSTUB. SysCustom SP to work with Qemu VMChangelog: 1.1:- Better skandisk.- Fixed a small bug.1.2:- 15 new fixes.- 512MB solves the RAM problem.- Switched network 1.4.-Microsoft Installer 2.0.- Desktop icons from WinME CD.- Fixed some inaccuracies.1.5:- 4 new fixes.- Driver Adaptec ASPI 4.60.- General support for USB 1.x mass storage devices.- Supports 98lite 4.7 plump and plump.- Visualization Library Visual Basic 6.0 SP6.-Visualization Libraries Visual C ++ 6.0 SP6.- Updates JET 3.5 files to JET 3.5 SP3.- Directory "Program Files" supports custom.- Some additional settings, some- fixed major bugs.1. NEW: 6:- 3 new fixes (249635, 835732, 840315).- NEW: Microsoft Layer for Unicode.- NEW: Visual Basic 5.0 SP2 Runtime Library.- Update first: Hotfix (root update).- RESOLVED: Registry corruption issue.- RESOLVED: MSI installation issue.- RESOLVED: New command is missing in Windows Explorer.1.6.1:- UPDATE: Windows 5.6 Host Scripts (Build 8825).- RESOLVED: Issues with Internet Explorer affected multiple systems.1.6.2:- RESOLVED: Cryptui.dll issue.- RESOLVED: Internet connection affects some systems.2.BETA 0 1:- NEW: Support for additional components (now offering Windows 2000 color scheme, performance tuning and Adaptec ASPI).- NEW: 3 new fixes.- NEW: Updates eg for IE 5.0 (this is especially useful for 98lite users).- NEW: Semi-slipstreaming support.- NEW: Displays the attribute column in the info windowe Windows Explorer.- UPDATE: Updated roots. IT WAS RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS:- Some bugs (seriously only similar to WindowsUpdate).2.BETA 0 2:- NEW: 1 original fix.- TweakUI as an optional feature.- NEW: New animated boot logo (adds Second Edition label) as an optional feature.- UPDATE: Updated HTML help (taken from XP SP2, which may be SE compatible) win98.2.0 BETA 3:- NEW: More than 10 new fixes.- NEW: "Dos Prompt Here" additional function.- NEW: Support for 98lite Sleek.- NEW: REGEDIT.EXE fixed.- RESOLVED: Problem with DCOM98 registration.- ADDED: Support for USB mass storage devices (e.g. 1.6.2) ADDED:- Best editor, 256 functions of colored tray icons.- ADDED: Delete.2.RC1:- 7 NEW: 1 new fix.- ADDED: web folder update.- UPDATE: HTML update.- UPDATE: UNICOWS.DLL.- UPDATE: Runtime of MS VC ++ files.- RESOLVED: All problems encountered.- RESOLVED: uninstallation issues.2.0 RC2:- NEW: 2 new fixes (192425, 246817).- All artistic improvements in SP 1.6 such as Windows Desktop 2000 icons(sorry but they were optional) no.- FIXED: Probably many bug fixes. (MaxCachedIcons input error, error, error deleting% dosnamehere Verinst.exe, 256 color status bar icon error, smooth error notepad fix, utility execution is different from disk error).- REMOVED: Generic USB Mass Storage Drivers.2.RC3:- 0 ADDED: 2 new fixes (319571, 320798).- UPDATE: MDGx HTML update.- FIXED: annoying restart error.- RESOLVED: annoying reinstallation error.- RESOLVED: bug while uninstalling GDI.EXE.2.0:* Added some new fixes Q888113, [q307004, Q891711, Q891781].* Added support for automatic installation.* Added missing registration information DCOM98 1.3.* Localized in strings added SPUPDATE.INF.* Adding free FIND.COM.* Replacing the modified WINBOOT.SYS with the original.* Replaced ATTRIB.EXE with the best free ATTRIB.COM.* Notepad.EXE Patcher (PATCHNP.EXE) is replaced by the best free Notepad replacement: MetaPad 3.5.* Removed files 2_4DATE.EXE, REGEDIT.EXE Patcher (PATCHRE.EXE) and CTL3DV2.DLL.* Updated files EXTRAC32.EXE (WinXP SP2), RICHED20.DLL (WinXP SP2) and REGSVR32.EXE (Win2000 SP4).* Pr The problem with RUNPOST.BAT goto resolved.* Solved the problem of removing 98lite Sleek EXPLORER.EXE / SHELL32.DLL.2.0.1:* Added update [Q870669] and only patch [Q295629 (replaces Q258010 and Q274334)].* ATL.DLL added by [user VCREDIST].* ROOTSUPD.EXE [updated to 7.0].* HTML32 updated [to cnv Microsoft Office XP SP3].* INFEX.EXE updated from 0.1 to 0.2. [The new version supports changing the checkbox state settings.]* "MaxFileCache = 524288" was changed to "MaxFileCache = 393216" via SPUPDATE.INF.* Modified copy of method from HARDWARE.HLP inside SPUPDATE.INF.* C ++ File Copy Method [VCREDIST] and OLE Automation [OLEUPD] have been changed from SPUPDATE.INF to avoid version mismatches.* "SmartReboot = N" added to all INFs to prevent fast reboot messages.* Fixed a typo in DELINFS.INF.* Fixed bug when uninstalling TweakUI. Fixed* Error uninstalling Sleek 98lite Notepad.2.0.2:* Added MSMOUSE.VXD from Q254660.* "(Delete only)" added as a delete string.* COMCTL32.DLL removed from SPUNINST.INF. Fixed* ERRORLEVEL error in RUNPOST.BAT.* ATTRIB.EXE and FIND.COM have been removed from the package.* Fixed a small insect pest in TWEAKUI.HLP.* Updated start logo so added stop logo.2.1:* Added COMCAT.DLL from DCOM98.* Q212265 (JPEGIM32.FLT) added.* Q240896 (OPENGL32.DLL) added.* Q258765 (REG) added.* Q269604 (DSOUND.DLL) added.* Q285895 (CIMWIN32.DLL) and Q282949 (WBEMPROX.DLL) have been added.* Q314941 added (SSDPAPI.DLL, SSDPSVR.EXE, UPNP.DLL).* Q323708 (NSCIRDA.SYS) added.* Q327517 (REG) added.* Q885836 (MSWRD632.WPC) added.* Q887617 added (HTML32.CNV, MSCONV97.DLL, MSWRD832.CNV).* Q903235 (REG) added.* Current VS2005 (REG) issue has been added.* Optimization of the registry "Channel entry not created".* Q891711 has been updated (to U891711).* NWPP32.DLL updated (to Q250876-v2).* HTML Help Update Q896358) (in.* DELINFS.INF removed.* Fixed files MOUHID.VXD and DISPEX.DLL.* I removed some codes.2.1a:* Fixed timestamps of some files.* Fixed information about the SCR56.INF version.* COMPOBJ.DLL added by DCOM98.3.0 Alpha 1:* MSHDC.INF added [from Q276602].* Added T2EMBED.DLL [from Q908519].* KBDSP.KBD added [from Q312586].* Q897225 [REG] added.* TIMEZONE.INF added [from Q933360].* NDIS.VXD + PPPMAC.VXD + VIP.386 updated [to Q301453].* RICHED20.DLL updated [to Q918118].* Updated HLINK.DLL [to Q920670].* MSVBVM60.DLL updated [to, Q930828].* Updated JSCRIPT.DLL [to Q917344].* HHCTRL.OCX + HHCTRLUI.DLL updated [to Q928843].* Updated SNMP.EXE + SNMPAPI.DLL [to Q926247].* ASYCFILT.DLL + OLEPRO32.DLL + STDOLE2.TLB updated [to 5.0.4528].* ROOTSUPD.EXE updated with ROOTSUPD.CAB [to 13.0.2195].* Updates to [RFC services 1060 / IANA].! INFEx [updated to 0.5].! Added VOLTRACK.VXD [from U249824].! Added KRNL386.EXE [4.1.1999].! UPDATE.SYS updated [4.10.2223 - updated processor microcode].! Updated SHELL32.DLL [to 4.72.3812.634 - fixed deadlocks when deleting the main number of files + fixed errors in 2-4 GB files].! Updated GDI.EXE + GDI32.DLL [in U918547 - 4.10.2227].! KB891711.EXE + Q891711.DLL replaced with USER.EXE + USER32.DLL [U891711 / 4.10.2233].! Added FORMAT.COM and updated FDISK.EXE [display issues fixed in this release].+ Added awesome new option: remove Microsoft virtual machine.+ "LocalLoadHigh = 1" added to TWEAKS.INF.+ EXPL movedSpeed up your computer's performance now with this simple download.Is there such a thing as Windows 98 Second Edition?
Windows 1996 Second Edition is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation and is used by its author in a descriptive, non-commercial sense only. 1 / You have the original w98SE installation CD.