In this guide, we will identify some possible causes that can cause vdi connection error 1030 and then I will offer possible solutions that you can try to solve this problem.
Approved: Fortect
Note. Message 1030 is a generic network error indicating that the parent has failed.
Note. Message 1030 is a generic market error indicating a connection failure.
I’m new to Citrix and I’ll try to explain exactly how I set it up: it’s exactly that test environment and everything works internally, I can initiate sessions internally via both HDX and RDP. I don’t come here from far away. From a remote computer, I can launch a Java client and ask our family for a username/password. I am getting response on 3 remote test machines. When I click Connect, the viewer launches to show a connection message. Nothing and no timeout is shown. During the process, if I check the VDI manager, it shows that I am connecting to the parser box.
– 2008 Server R2 vm which usually provides DNS, AD. Right now I’m using a wireless router for DHCP. I don’t know if the webserver should take on other roles, perhaps services.
– VIAB Appliance vm with 3 W7 images, often built and tested from a golden image. I have assigned all domain users to the computers located in the Users tab.
– I’m sending a messagePorts 443 and 1494 to the internal IP address of the device
– I am not building a Citrix Gateway for this test
About CyberRuiz
Highly motivated professional with 12 years of experience in Citrix/VMWare/Microsoft/Technologies.Exceptional communication but team spirit.CCIA is a Citrix Certified Integration Architect.CCEA is a Citrix Certified Enterprise Administrator.VCP VMWare – ESX 2.x, VI3, VI4 Certified SpecialistMCSE – Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer
It was easy to kick out a friend who deployed Citrix VDI-in-a-Box in his company. After planning the environment, we continued to get connection error 1030 when accessing the virtual machine from desktops through an external connection using CAG 5.04. After realizing that some ACLs were missing from the firewall and waiting for the marketers to resend mail, I noticed a very important step that needs to be done in the vdiMgr file.
I found the dilemma by looking at the default .ica file in WI and noting that “HDX trigger internal IP address is incorrect” in the ICA content and checking if it matches the internal IP address of the .ica file. ready.
When logging into the vdiMgr console and accessing Advance and Properties Look No More Than Gateways, make sure you enter “HDX Gateway Internal IP”, which points to the internal IP that SHOULD appear in the CAG.

In Windows 7, users cannot remove desktops from a Citrix XenDesktop farm unless SSL is enabled for the Integration Broker.
If SSL is enabled for Integration Broker, the desktop sometimes fails to start and displays the following error when users start a Windows 7 computer: “Conversation with Desktop could not be found 1030″. seen occasionally in the Firefox theme, but may occur in other browsers as well.
For more information about this issue, see the Citrix Knowledge Center article “Troubleshooting Error 1030 when creating a Windows 7 Image”.
In Windows 7, users cannot provision desktops from Citrix XenDesktop when SSL is enabled for Integration Broker.
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Fortect is the world's most popular and effective PC repair tool. It is trusted by millions of people to keep their systems running fast, smooth, and error-free. With its simple user interface and powerful scanning engine, Fortect quickly finds and fixes a broad range of Windows problems - from system instability and security issues to memory management and performance bottlenecks.

When SSL is enabled for this integration broker, sometimes when booting a laptop running Windows 7, the workstation will fail to boot and display the following error: “Connecting to
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