Windows Diary
  • How do I convert FLV to MP4 2020?

    I just used the Riva FLV encoder, a donor software that converts some standard file formats to FLV.

  • You are often right. I was just trying to open each one with flv vegas 6,7,8 and 9. Doesn’t this work from 7 and up. Only opens Vegas. Sorry for the biggest mistake. I thought 7 could open it with ffdshow too.

  • By the way, VLC Player DirectStreamCopy can copy FLV file to MP4 container without re-encoding. I tested it with FLV file (h264) and Vegas 9 opened it too.

  • Hi guys, I want to save .flv files in my timeline. What codec do I need for this? almost sure the .flv has a flash file, but not at all sure. Is it as easy to use as Flash? If so, is there a downloadable version? This is for my standalone PC, so I cannot install it normally by visiting their website and starting automatically My installation. I am using Vegas 7. So anyone with experience uploading electronic .flv files to this version of Vegas would be delighted to receive your contributions. Thanks !

    Vegas does not support editing FLV files, so you will need to use an external program like Super (c) available on the market to convert them to a format that Vegas can edit.

    to be allowed to

    FLV files open directly in Las Vegas using the VFW (VideoForWindows) filter.

    Set FFDSHOW and also do the setting. VP6F is installed on libavcodec.

    I followed the steps you might have listed. And now? I cannot edit .flv in Sony Vegas. What I am missing Thank you.

    Since I originally wrote this question, I’ve found that the best way to convert your .flv file to .avi is to use a converter program like Total, like Video Converter.
    Then all you have to do is copy faavi file to your timeline to edit it. I hope this helps you?

    I just tried it – no dice

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