If you don’t find the dlname warning in the modules / libphp5.la error code on your computer, you should check these recovery methods.
Approved: Fortect
I got this error when running “make install” for PHP factor
Attention! dlname was not found in /usr/local/apache/modules/libphp5.la.
It is assumed that a .so archive is created instead of a libtool archive.
chmod 755 / usr / local / apache / modules / libphp5. so
chmod: Unable to access `/usr/local/apache/modules/libphp5.so ‘: Absolutely no file or directory
apxs: Error: Command failed with rc = 65536
Several threads on the internet said that the best solution was to download a .bz2 archive. parameters of a person. parameter ..gz
I had complaints (errors) during the “make” stage that my partner and I did not notice, so I did “make clean”, then correctly repeated “make”, then “make work install” Ok
description Scott Fletcher 2006-01-03 19:25:10 UTC
When compiling and installing PHP using the Apache DSO module, I worked inCompilation error when using "make install". After a small renovation, everything is therecomes downto this Instdso Apache.sh file. So, I am running this test case here ...- break--#! / bin / sh# DLNAME = `sed -n" /^dlname=/s/.*='((^'hung * ) '/ 1 /; p "$ TARGETDIR / $ DSOARCHIVE_BASENAME`DLNAME = `sed -n" /^dlname=/s/.*='(((^'hung * ) '/ 1 /; p "/ usr / local / apache2 / modules / libphp5.la`# LIBRARY_NAMES = `sed -n" / ^ libname / s / libname = ' ([^'] * ) '/ 1 /; p "$ TARGETDIR / $ DSOARCHIVE_BASENAME`LIBRARY_NAMES = `sed -n" / ^ libname / s / libname = ' ([^'] * ) '/ 1 /; p "/ usr / local / apache2 / modules / libphp5.la`LIBRARY_NAMES = `echo $ LIBRARY_NAMES | zed -e "s / * $ DLNAME // g" ` if test -z "$ DLNAME"So# echo "Warning! dl name not received in $ TARGETDIR / $ DSOARCHIVE_BASENAME." echo "Warning! The dl name was not actually found in /usr/local/apache2/modules/libphp5.la." match "This assumes the installed .so file looks more like a working libtool archive." Exit 0Fi- break--where i get this error again ...- break--sed: 0602-404 Function /^dlname=/s/.*='((^'hung * ) '/ 1 /; p could not be parsed.sed: 0602-404 function / ^ library_names / s / library_names = ' ([^'] * ) '/ 1 /; NSnot amenable to analysis.A warning! dlname not found / usr / local / apache2 / modules / libphp5 in.la.Suppose you are installing the .therefore archive instead of the libtool archive.- break--The initial direct result of trying to establish the originThe other PHP code was ...- break--- = [root @ netgate]- = [/usr/local/src/php-5.1.1] ==> Proceed with the installation echo 'nnInstall PHP SAPI segment: apache2handler/usr/local/apache2/build/instdso.shSH_LIBTOOL = '/ usr / local / apache2 / build / libtool' libphp5.la / usr / local / apache2 / modulesrm -f /usr/local/apache2/modules/libphp5.so/ usr / local / apache2 / build / libtool --mode = install cerebral palsy libphp5.la/ Usr / local / apache2 / modules /cp .libs / libphp5.a /usr/local/apache2/modules/libphp5.acp .libs / libphp5.lai /usr/local/apache2/modules/libphp5.lalibtool: install: Warning: brain is running --finish/ usr / local / src / php-5 `libtool.1.1 / libs'sed: 0602-404 Function /^dlname=/s/.*='((^'hung * ) '/ 1 /; p could not be parsed.sed: 0602-404 function / ^ library_names / s / library_names = ' ([^'] * ) '/ 1 /; NScannot be analyzed often.A warning! dlname not found / usr / local / apache2 / modules / libphp5 in.la.Let's say you are creating a .so file and not a new libtool archive.chmod 755 /usr/local/apache2/modules/libphp5.sochmod: /usr/local/apache2/modules/libphp5.so: file in addition to the directory in the pathThe name does not exist.apxs: error: command failed with rc = 65536...make: 1254-004 The error code of the last command can be 1.Stop.- = [root @ netgate]- = [/usr/local/src/php-5.1.1] ==>- break--I don't see an existing bug in my Apache bugzilla, but have I seen the bug?it has nothing to do with ... Oshibca No. 29599 No way, I can’t do itInstall PHP. However, at that time Apache was configured and installed compiledwithout and a brand new problem ...
Comment 1 Orton resell 2006-01-03 21:18:58 UTC
Have you been hiring LONG? Google says this could be due to a big AIX bugLONG series.
Comment 2 Scott Fletcher 2006-01-03 21:24:21 UTC
*** Bug 38111 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 3 Scott Fletcher 2006-01-03 21:24:43 UTC
*** Bug 38112 was flagged as a duplicate of this process error. ***
Approved: Fortect
Fortect is the world's most popular and effective PC repair tool. It is trusted by millions of people to keep their systems running fast, smooth, and error-free. With its simple user interface and powerful scanning engine, Fortect quickly finds and fixes a broad range of Windows problems - from system instability and security issues to memory management and performance bottlenecks.

Commentary 4 Rüdiger Plum 2006-01-03 22:05:32 UTC
*** In error 38110, you were marked as a duplicate of this nuisance. ***
Comment 5 Scott Fletcher 2006-01-03 22:21:04 UTC
This is interesting. I don't understand why LANGUAGE is still I associate with him.I got "echo $ LANG" and got "en_US" response, so I did: "Export LANG = ''"and did a new "echo $ LANG" and got an empty response.So, checked out how to run this command manually: "/usr/local/apache2/build/instdso.shSH_LIBTOOL = '/ usr / local / apache2 / build / libtool' libphp5.la/ usr / local / apache2 / modules "and always this error messageThe "make install" thing that contains the /usr/local/src/php5.1.1 directory. I did itPinch and check to be sure.
Comment 6 Scott Fletcher 2006-01-03 22:44:16 UTC
Output of cat command from libphp5.la im/ usr / local / apache / modules / libphp5. result with ..- break--# libphp5.la - libtool library file# Created by ltmain.sh - GNU libtool 1.5.18 (1.1220.2.245 2005/05/16 08:55:27)## Please DO NOT delete my file!# It is by the link you need that you see the library# The name we are most likely to double (3).dlname = 'libphp5.so'# The name of this library.lib_name = 'libphp5.a libphp5.a'# Static archive alias.old_library = ''# Libraries, some of which depend on.Dependency_libs = '-lssl -lcrypto -lssl -lcrypto -lssl -L / usr / local / lib -lcrypto-l / usr / local / ssl / lib -lssl -lcrypto -lssl -lcrypto -lm/usr/local/lib/libcurl.la -lssl -lcrypto -lssl -lcrypto/usr/local/lib/libodbc.la -ldl -liconv-Version-lthread '# Information about libphp5.Current = 0Age = 0Version = 0# Is this library already installed?installed = yes# Should I pay attention to portability when linking modules?should not bind = yes# against files in dlopen / dlpreopendlopen = ''dlpreopen = ''# Directory where this library should be installed:libdir = '/ usr / local / src / php-5.1.1 / libs'- break--if it helps ..
Comment 7 Joe Orton 2006-01-10 14:16:09 UTC
Anyone can try adding the above from build / instdso.sh:LANGUAGE = CLC_ALL = CLANGUAGE = Cexport LANGUAGE LC_ALL LANGUAGES(then "install" with httpd, then try installing PHP again)
Comment 8 Scott Fletcher 2006-01-10 18:44:04 UTC
Always the same error, but looks a little better ... Historical error: 0602-404- break--sed: function / ^ dlname = / s /.*= ' ((()' Autovermietung * ) '/ 1 /; p can no longer be parsed.sed: 0602-404 function / ^ library_names / s / library_names = ' ([^'] * ) '/ 1 /; NSnot amenable to analysis.A warning! dlname not found / usr / local / apache2 / modules / libphp5 in.la.Suppose you are installing a .so archive instead of a libtool archive.- break--while modern by default- break--sed: The function /^dlname=/s/.*='(((^ 'Autovermietung * )' / 1 /; p cannot be interrupted after analysis.sed: function / ^ library_names / s / library_names = ' ([^'] * ) '/ 1 /; p cannot be parsed.A warning! dlname not found / usr / local / apache2 / modules / libphp5 in.la.Let's say you are installing the great .so archive instead of the libtool archive.- break--It has been noticed that "0602-404" is no longer included in most new error messages. I amthere is no doubt that AIX native sed is definitely compatible with this sed script or not.
Commentary 10
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