Approved: Fortect
In some cases, your system may display an error code indicating a weka error. There can be many reasons for this problem.
ArkansasIf customers are not familiar with Weka, the most common problem is that you cannot load your dataset into Weka because you either get an error like “Reason: IOException all files prematurely terminated, token [EOF ] read, line 1 ″, as well as “Arff file not recognized” or many other similar errors. Rkansas Want
i to insert a large CSV file into Weka to support feature selection.the size of the csv file is undoubtedly 2.3 GB, it contains line 41 when using 2,000,002 columns.
and from the second line Swimmer Swimmer Swimmer ID … class (Y / N)
However, when I try to insert this information into weka, a pop-up error message appears:
How are error rates calculated in Weka classification?
It is calculated by separating a randomly expected chord from the observed chord and dividing it by the largest possible chord. A value better than 0 means that your classifier usually performs better than chance (it should!). Error rates are used for numerical prediction, not for classification.
weka.core.coverters.CSVLoader failed to load test.csv. Reason: lie numeric values. Read 1000002, originally granted 100001, read token string [EOL] Related to internet issue: 2
I need to open a computer csv file (saved by Openoffice Calc) in weka.
I always get the error: “Invalid numeric values: 140 read, 139 lines expected within 3”.
CSV has already been corrected with quotes in the shortcut area. And I counted 140 values available in the first lines.
interview given on November 18, 2013 at 15:28.
How should I deal with error in Weka?
To avoid this error, open the control paper and select the columns one by one, then use Control + C to copy them into the final file you will be using. or you can use another method to avoid the commas at the end of each line. For a .CSV or .SEQ image, I got the same error. I solved it by converting it to help you to .arff first.
Isn’t That The Exact Answer You Are Looking For? Find Added Questions Marked With Weka Csv Dataset Or Ask Your Own Question.
It turned out that somewhere in the Shine file I exported there is a number that is not displayed.
Approved: Fortect
Fortect is the world's most popular and effective PC repair tool. It is trusted by millions of people to keep their systems running fast, smooth, and error-free. With its simple user interface and powerful scanning engine, Fortect quickly finds and fixes a broad range of Windows problems - from system instability and security issues to memory management and performance bottlenecks.

I noticed this because all the lines ended with a comma, not anything.
Carefully selected, mostly correct assortment, copied in the documentation and functionality.
answered Nov 18, 2013 at 15:34
Just remove all double and single quotes from .csv, .xls file.
i.e. relatively, for example. If the value “john” is found under the name of the if line, a specific error is generated. Do this John by removing the quotes.
To remove all quotes, go to the FIND and Repair Excel file box.
otv Date Aug 2.
I also faced the same issue when using Weka besides importing a CSV file.
The problem could be caused by incorrect formatting of the application
My file had a whole word in one of the GOV’T columns, I just deleted all “” and wrote the whole word GOVERNMENT and it worked.
answered Apr 1 ’16 at 19:57
I have the same error. The problem was the only reference character in the string value. The solution for me was to quote the entire string value.
dies: ..., Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception, ... Extras: ..., "Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception", ...
answered April 29, 2017 at 18: 14
This is due to the enhancement of the extra column. To remove this error, select the entire column and delete that column.This should be a good job. 🙂
helped from May 1, 15 at 23:00
I may have encountered this error. My CSV file offers a floating number of files. Solved the problem by replacing “” with “.
helped on October 28, 2016 at 21:45.
One of them worked for me from above. I replaced “” with spaces.
said Mar 15 ’17 at 6:42 am
I was getting the same error before. I have changed some .xls files with
Why is Weka not loading a CSV file?
To get an idea of how things are> just get error messages. Weka uses its own backslash to avoid double quotes in production. In quotes inside cells (mostly used by LibreOffice, Excel, etc.). Tell me where you downloaded it. Loading … Thanks for your help! I have uploaded two arff files and they load fine.