If you have been denied access to the Windows Event Log in Windows 7 on your computer, this guide might help.
Approved: Fortect
Hello everyone
In any of our Windows Server 2008 we cannot help you start the “Windows Event Log Service”
Below is the error that appears when restarting a specific service.
Windows was unable to start the Windows Event Agency log on the local computer. Error 5: Access Denied
The Answers
Hello everyone
They have been fixed.
Open Windows and go to File Explorer.C: Windows System32 winevt Logs folder
Rename the content of application.evtx to application.evtxold.
Go to the Services section and manually retrieve the Windows service event log.
Make sure the application.evtx file was created and make sure it is protected. Settings.
- Marked as a response by user Rahamatullah December 29, 2011 7:22
Hello everyone
We are unable to start the “Windows Event Log Service” on our Windows 2008 server
Below is the error that appears when restarting this service.
Windows was unable to start the Windows event log on local computer. Error 5: Access Denied
On our Windows 2008 computer, we cannot start the “Servicebu windows event log “
Windows definitely cannot start the Windows Event Log service on the local computer. Error 5: Access Denied
The Answers
Hello everyone
Fixed issue.
Open Windows and Explorer Pilot toC: Windows System32 winevt Logs folder
Approved: Fortect
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Rename the application.evtx file to application.evtxold.
Go to Services and manually start the Windows service event log.
Check the cases when the application.evtx file was generated and also check the security settings.
- Marked as a response by user Rahamatullah December 29, 2011 7:22
Make sure the application.evtx file has been generated and will evaluatee security settings.
- Marked as a response by user Rahamatullah December 29, 2011 7:22