Today’s guide is written to help you if you are getting a Windows update every time you see a Windows 7 shutdown error message.
Approved: Fortect
On the other hand, if you are using Windows 7 8.1, click Start> Control Panel> System and Security. In Windows Update, just click the “Turn automatic updates on or off” link. Click the Change Settings link on the left.
A great update has been installing every night for the past few days when I shut down my computer (1). The PC updater reports that it is “Windows 7 update for (translated to x64 systems” literally from German). Does anyone know if this is normal?
Boot into Safe Mode (F8 on startup, right after the Bios screen; or press F8 a few times from the awesome startup, and until you are prompted for a choice, Safe Mode appears.Now that you’ve definitely booted into Safe Mode, press Win + R.Sign in to services.Right-click Automatic Updates and select Properties.
requested on Dec 15 14 at 22:21.
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This may be related to Windows Update settings. If set to run very often (daily), all available updates will be downloaded from a temporary location and installed in case you turn off your computer.
Adjust all Windows Update settings according to your simple timing and make sure your other decisions are not delayed by frequent updates.
Go directly to Control Panel> Update Window> Change Settings> Now change the inventory selection in the dropdown.
Approved: Fortect
Fortect is the world's most popular and effective PC repair tool. It is trusted by millions of people to keep their systems running fast, smooth, and error-free. With its simple user interface and powerful scanning engine, Fortect quickly finds and fixes a broad range of Windows problems - from system instability and security issues to memory management and performance bottlenecks.

answered Dec 18, 2014 at 10:28 pm
Start Execution Enter “services.msc”
In the commissioning window (Services) will finde in the field the following entry: on the right “Windows Update”
- Repeat this entry twice.see next picture
- In the window that opens, start with “Stop” tariff plan.
- Set the startup type to Disabled.
- Click OK to confirm.
answered Dec 24, 2014 at 7:53 am
If you see updates every day, it means that you either just installed your circle, or they are the same updates that are repeated, because either you do not install these products or hide them (right click), but also because there was an error when the PC tried to install them.
I did the right thing; like you, I really didn’t think it was “okay” and perhaps each of our updates failed to install for some reason and then repeated the next time I stopped. You can track messages through Programs / Windows Start / All Updates, then select “View History”. If I do this, I can see that it has a lot to do with updates (all successful) and then many different updates.The next day, some of which were successful. I still find it a little odd, not too disturbing … for now
answered Dec 20 ’14 at 11:03
This may be related to your Windows Update settings. If configured for frequent startupand (daily), available updates will be downloaded from the technical staff area and installed when clients turn off your computer.