Over the past week, some of our users have encountered the well-known XML parsing error message: “Element not found on line 1. This issue can have multiple causes. We will talk about this below.
Approved: Fortect
According to my research, your error message will only be generated by FireFox when the rendering page on the web is empty. For some reason. NET generates a response type with “application / xml” when creating a page without income. Firefox scans the file and cannot find the root depth for XML and gives an error message.
Approved: Fortect
Fortect is the world's most popular and effective PC repair tool. It is trusted by millions of people to keep their systems running fast, smooth, and error-free. With its simple user interface and powerful scanning engine, Fortect quickly finds and fixes a broad range of Windows problems - from system instability and security issues to memory management and performance bottlenecks.
I migrated an ASP site from my development machine to a server a long time ago. All pages except my FAQ page work fine, but my FAQ generates:
XML parsing error
: element not foundLocation: http://geniusupdate.com/GSHelp/faq.Number aspxRow 1, column 1:
The only changes I made was changing the login group on my SQL side to a local one that can use a string provided by my hosting provider. What advice can I give to sort out the root of this problem?
How do I fix XML parsing error?
Rename manual entry to.Unzip the file and open a new folder (e.g. dradis-word_report-151 /).Scroll to a specific order specified in the error message (for example, line 19159 and examine the message before / after that line.Find the channel you found above in the diagram, and also examine its content.
<% @ Page Language = "VB" MasterPageFile = "~ / theMaster.master" AutoEventWireup = "false" CodeFile = "faq.aspx.vb" Inherits = "faq" Title = "Unnamed page"% ><% @ Import namespace = "sqlstuff"%><% @ Import Namespace = "Functions"%> FAQ <% = faqPageTitle (Request.QueryString ("cid"))%>
Click on a question to expand it and see the answer!
<%, if meeting> = 0, then Darken theFaq as a new list (Of faqContent), iterate as an integer equal to 0 theFaq = sqlStuff.getFaqs (cID) For each oFaq as faq content in laFaq Response.Output.WriteLine ("
Q: 2
", _ addQuotes ("gsSwitch0-title", iteration), _ addQuotes ("handCursor"), _ oFaq.content.question) Response.Output.WriteLine (" A: 2 ", _ addQuotes ("gsSwitch0", iteration), _ addQuotes ("gsSwitch"), _ OFaq.Content.response) + = Repeat 1 Next Another Response.Output.You write ("Here you will find many concepts about eTHOMAS and how to speed up your office tasks.0", ControlChars.NewLine) End if %> <% If End> = 0 then Response.Write (constructFaqSideMenu (CInt (Request.QueryString ("cid")))) Another Response.Write (constructFaqSideMenu ()) End if %>
Well, it looks like it has something to do with both. The message is generated by Firefox, but triggered by the framework. For just a few reasons .NET generates some sort of response from most “application / xml” when it creates a blank fan page. If Firefox parses the file as XML and doesn’t find the root element, it throws all error messages.
IE won’t return an article, period. This is where XML comes in.
What is parser error in XML?
If its XML parser encounters an error in the XML document during parsing, message RNX0351 is generated. The parser encountered an invalid character using the content of the element. 7. The parser found an invalid element start, comment, processing statement, or CDATA section in the element’s content.
General construction of public function FaqSideMenu (ByVal oSelID as integer) as string OCatList dim As New List (De faqCategory) Dim oRet as new StringBuilder Dim iterate As Integer = 1, extraTag As String matches "" oCatList = sqlStuff.getFaqCats oRet.AppendFormattedLine ("", addQuotes ("submenu")) oRet.AppendFormattedLine ("- FAQ Categories
", addQuotes (" title ")) For each category as in faqCategory oCatList If iteration = oSelID Then extraTag = String.Format ("id = 0", addQuotes ("active")) Another extraTag = "" End if oRet. appendformattedline (" 2 ", extraTag, addQuotes ("faq.aspx? cid = 0", iteration), StrConv (category.Title, VbStrConv. Propercase) ) repeat + = 1 Next oRet.AppendLine ("
") OR return return.ToStringEnd function
And here is the empty page source returned by IE: