Windows Diary

  • category spyware

    â – º Spyware Removalâ € Ž (1 C, P)

  • category spyware

    â – º twenty two stalker programs … (7 pages)

  • Spyware Category Pages

    This category includes the correct 67 pages, finally out of a total of 67. This list probably will not reflect recent changes (more information).

    • Spyware


    • Agent.BTZ
    • Anti-Spyware Coalition


    • Backdoor (computer)
    • BonziBuddy


    • C2.LOP
    • Careto (malware)
    • IQ of the telecom operator
    • Claria Corporation
    • Click path
    • The Shikar Code
    • Comet Cursor
    • Check the computer address and Internet protocol.
    • ComputerCop
    • Against viruses
    • CoolWebSearch
    • Cyber ​​espionage
    • Cybercollect
    • Cyberwar
    • Cydoor


    • Black Caracal
    • DarkHotel


    • Emcodec
    • Attack by the Evil Maid
    • Maintenance kit


    • Fakesysdef
    • Great fisherman
    • Flame (malware)


    • Genius
    • Gh0st RAT
    • GhostNet
    • Glass box


    • Hacking Command
    • Anti-snoring bath
    • Caster


    • Internet Optimizer


    • Keystroke recording


    • Spyware List


    • Magic Lantern (Software)
    • Movieland


    • NetTraveler
    • NSA Game Set


    • Onavo


    • Patch (malware)
    • Pegasus (spyware)
    • Project Pegasus (investigation)
    • PeopleOnPage
    • Call home
    • Pharmacy
    • Privacy-infringing software


    • Red October (malware)
    • Rombertik


    • The Phantom Web
    • Shamun
    • Shedun
    • Smart Sheriff
    • Sheriff’s Spy
    • Stalker software
    • Elegant


    • Small banking Trojan
    • Trojan horse (computer)
    • Turla (malware)


    • Agent X
    • Xafecopy Trojan
    • XXXDial


    • Yap Browser


    • Tswangi

    Spyware is malicious software that aims to collect information about men or women in an organization and send it to another person in a way that would harm the user. For example, by violating your privacy or compromising the security of your device. This can happen with both malicious and legitimate software. Websites can interfere with spyware, for example on the Internet. Hardware devices can also be affected. [1] Spyware is often associated with advertisements and many of the same problems. Since the same behavior is so common and cannot be harmful, detecting spyware is challenging. [2]


    category spyware

    The first documented use of the term “spyware” dates back to October 16, 1995, in a short Usenet article poking fun at Microsoft’s business model. [3] Spyware was the first grammatic software used for espionage purposes. However, in early 2000, Zone Labs founder Gregor Freund learned of the term in a press release for the ZoneAlarm personal firewall. [4] Later in 2001, a parent using ZoneAlarm learned of this fact to help Reader Rabbit, an educational product marketed for children by Mattel, secretly return data that Mattel can resend. [5] Since then, spyware has taken its place in Sens.

    According to a scientific study conducted by AOL and the National Cybersecurity Alliance in 2005, 61% of computers surveyed users were infected with spyware. 78% of users surveyed with spyware said they were unaware of its scale, and 91% said they were not allowed to install spyware. [6] Since 2006, spyware has become one of the main security threats to computers running Microsoft Windows operating systems. Computers on which Internet Explorer (IE) is likely to be the primary browser are particularly vulnerable to such attacks in the marketplace, not only because IE was itselfm widespread, but also because it was used, [7] Because it is Closely integrated with Windows allows spyware to gain access to important parts of a running system. [7] [8]

    Before Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 2 (SP2) was released as part of a Windows XP service pack, the browser automatically displayed an appropriate window for each ActiveX component on which a specific website was to be installed. The combination of users’ ignorance of these changes and Internet Explorer’s assumption that all ActiveX components are harmless has contributed significantly to the proliferation of adware. Many spyware components are reported to use JavaScript, Internet Explorer and Windows to install without the user’s knowledge or permission.

    The Windows Registry contains several entries that can be changed to enable tools to run when the disk system starts up automatically. This exploit can create spyware to bypass removal attempts. Malware usually connects to the registry from wherever it is allowed. After startupThe spyware periodically checks to see if these links have been removed. In this case, they will be restored automatically. This ensures that the spyware runs every time the operating system boots, even if most of the connections (or connections to the registry) are removed.


    Spyware is basically divided into almost four types: adware, system monitors, tracking, including planet tracking, and Trojans; [9] Examples of other well-known types are digital rights management functions, which are the most telephonic. “, keyloggers and rootkits, web beacons. These four categories are not mutually exclusive and have similar tactics in dealing with networks and devices. [10] Basic the goal is to install a method, hack it, evade detection, and safely remove it from the network. [10]

    Spyware is mainly used to steal information and track Internet users’ movements on the Internet, and to serve pop-up advertisements to Internet users.terneta. When spyware is used for malicious purposes, its presence is usually hidden from the user and can be difficult to detect. Some spyware, such as keyloggers, may be voluntarily installed by the owner of a shared enterprise and / or public computer to monitor users.

    Although the term “spyware” refers to a software application used to monitor a user’s computer, spyware can work for more than just simple monitoring. Spyware can collect almost any type of data, including personal information such as internet diving habits, communications, users, and banking or financial information. Spyware can also compromise a user’s control over a computer by: – ​​Installing additional software or redirecting web browsers. Certain [11] spyware can alter your computer’s settings and disable slow Internet connection information.



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    Spyware is mainly divided into four types: adware, system monitors, visitors including web tracking, and Trojans; Other notorious types include digital rights management features that call home, keyloggers, rootkits, and web beacons.

    There are several types of spyware such as browser stealing, adware, keyboard recorders and many others. Each type of these malicious programs has its own unique operating technique.

    CoolWebSearch (CWS) CoolWebSearch can steal: Internet search, space pages and other Internet Explorer settings.Alligator (BOOST)180 Researcher.Istbar / update.Transponder (vx2)Internet optimizer.BlazeFind.Hot as hell