Approved: Fortect
If you encounter a configuration error and cannot find the required Blas library on your system, this guide should help you.
I recently tried to install packages on clusters requiring BLAS / LAPACK. Since the clusters are often owned by universities, I have no way of installing libblas-dev sudo i.e. liblapack-dev. So, I installed OpenBLAS and compiled the source files. However, when I installed other packages (meep and scuff-em), I ran into problems because I couldn’t find What blas.
What was written first:
Approved: Fortect
Fortect is the world's most popular and effective PC repair tool. It is trusted by millions of people to keep their systems running fast, smooth, and error-free. With its simple user interface and powerful scanning engine, Fortect quickly finds and fixes a broad range of Windows problems - from system instability and security issues to memory management and performance bottlenecks.

Export path = / home / gao477 / OpenBLAS / bin: $ PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH = / home / gao477 / OpenBLAS / lib: $ LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export LIBRARY_PATH = / home / gao477 / OpenBLAS / lib: $ LIBRARY_PATH
export C_INCLUDE_PATH = / home / gao477 / OpenBLAS / include: $ C_INCLUDE_PATH
in the / bashrc file if you want to install the environment after a normal installation of OpenBLAS packages.
And when I then use sh for other install packages, I prefer the option:
sh –prefix = / home / gao477 / packages / scuff-em -v LIBS = -ldl LDFLAGS = “- L / home / gao477 / Downloads / hdf5-1.10.5 / hdf5 / lib -l / home / gao477 / openblas / lib -L / usr / local / lib “CPPFLAGS =” – I / usr / local / include -I / home / gao477 / Downloads / hdf5-1.10.5 / hdf5 / include -I / home / gao477 / OpenBLAS / include “
to a specific path for OpenBLAS packages. However, when I did “make”, I still got the “OpenBLAS not found” error. The details are as follows:
Usability check of hdf5.h … yes
Checking for the presence of hdf5.h … yes
Verification tools for hdf5.h … yes
Look for H5Fcreate in -lhdf5 … for yes
Checking H5LTmake_dataset_double in -lhdf5_hl … yes
Search for sgemm _… no
Check the availability of ATL_xerbla -latlas in … No
Look for sgemm_ in -lblas … No
Search everywhere sgemm_ -lmkl … no
Search for sgemm _… (cached) no
Check with sgemm_ in -lcxml … No
Search for sgemm_ on -ldxml … no
Check sgemm_ in -lscs … No
Checking as sgemm_ in -lcomplib.sgimath … No
Search for sgemm_ relative to -lblas … (cached) No
Search for sgemm_ für -lblas … (hidden) no
configure: error: BLAS not found!
Background I found that hdf5 can be used, but BLAS is not. And I will not know what happened to my resignation. Could you help me find the site? Thanks !
I recently tried to install packages on clusters requiring BLAS / LAPACK. Since the clusters are acquired by the university, I definitely don’t have the privilege to use sudo put libblas-dev and liblapack-dev. So, I installed OpenBLAS to compile the source files. However, when I installed other packages (meep with scuff-em) I ran into problems because none of them were found.
in .file / bashrc to set the environment after a normal installation of OpenBLAS packages.
And then when you use sh to install other packages, I have the option:
sh –prefix = / home / gao477 / packages / scuff-em -v LIBS = -ldl LDFLAGS = “- L / home / gao477 / Downloads / hdf5-1.10.5 / hdf5 / lib -l / home / gao477 / openblas / lib -L / usr / local / lib” CPPFLAGS = “- I / usr / local / include -I / home / gao477 / Downloads / hdf5-1.10.5 / hdf5 / include -I / home / gao477 / OpenBLAS / include “
to assign the path to the OpenBLAS packages. However, when I “built” it always showed some kind of “OpenBLAS not found” error. The requirements are as follows:
Usability check of hdf5.h … yes
Checking for the presence of hdf5.h … yes
Check on hdf5.h … yes
find H5Fcreate in -lhdf5 … if yes
Checking H5LTmake_dataset_double in -lhdf5_hl … yes
Search for sgemm _… no
Checking according to ATL_xerbla -latlas in … No
Reviews on sgemm_ en -lblas … No
Everywhere looking for sgemm_ -lmkl … no
Search for sgemm _… (cached) no
Save sgemm_ to -lcxml … No
Search for sgemm_ for -ldxml … nothing
Check sgemm_ in -lscs … No
Are you looking for a lot of sgemm_ in -lcomplib.sgimath … No
Look for sgemm_ in -lblas … (cached) No
Search for sgemm_ in -lblas … (cached) no
configure: error: BLAS not found anymore!
I found that hdf5 might fire but BLAS might not. And I knew what was wrong with my version. Could you help me find out? Thanks !
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