Over the past few weeks, a number of readers have reported that they have stumbled upon a download of Netqin antivirus for Android phones.
Approved: Fortect
Softonic Free Trial
Android Security Software Available
NetQin Antivirus is a powerful free software that is also used to create Symbian. and is part of. is a league security software with a subcategory of anti-spyware created by NetQin Tech. Co.
Learn More About NetQin Antivirus
Application versions 4 and 6 were updated on 06/19/12. NetQin Antivirus is said to be available for users using Android 1.5 and above network, and the home version is available in English.
NetQin Antivirus is an application that should take up less disk space than most security software applications. Click the button to start downloading the 986KB APK file for NetQin_P1432_AV_v4.6beta_for_Android1.5.apk.
Since we added this app to our catalog in 2012, there have been 67,304 downloads and purchases. 101 installations last week.
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Approved: Fortect
Fortect is the world's most popular and effective PC repair tool. It is trusted by millions of people to keep their systems running fast, smooth, and error-free. With its simple user interface and powerful scanning engine, Fortect quickly finds and fixes a broad range of Windows problems - from system instability and security issues to memory management and performance bottlenecks.

Laws regarding the use of the software differ from country to country. We reject or condone the use of this program if it violates these laws.
Our award-winning technology is backed by over 30 million users and offers virus and privacy insurance plans, data backups and enhanced phone security.
☠† Features
Antivirus: Professional Local + Cloud engine removes malicious spores and Trojans when scanning downloaded applications in real modeFree time for maximum protection of your phone.
Safe surfing: Block phishing and malicious websites and provide a safe online environment.
Account Protection: Keeps your linked personal accounts safe
Privacy Report: Monitors and blocks unauthorized access to your contacts, messages, location and other personal files.
Application Management: Helps to remove unused applications or unnecessary pre-installed packages (requires ROOT) and installation files.
Data Management: Monitor real-time traffic and alert you to excessive complaints.
For any questions, contact customer support free of charge at big.c [email protected].
Trusted by over 30 million users worldwide, our award-winning technology offers virus and loneliness protection, backup, data transfer and phone expansion.
Antivirus: Professional Local + Cloud Engine removes original and malicious Trojans and downloadsscanned apps with installed apps in real time to protect your phone as much as possible.
Safe Browsing: Blocks phishing and destructive websites and provides a safe browsing experience on the Internet.
Privacy Report: Tracks and blocks unauthorized access to contacts, your messages, your location and other types of personal files.
Application Management: Helps to remove unused applications or even unnecessary pre-installed endings (requires ROOT) and installation files. Use
Data Management: Real-time traffic monitoring and overuse alerts.
If you have any questions, please contact customer support at [email protected].
Old Versions
Softonic Overview
Excellent SecurityAndroid SMS Apps Danger
NetQin Security is an excellent app protection for your Android phone.
Android security issues are getting a lot of attention, but whether you use them or not, take them seriously enough. Installing a smartphone security app or antivirus is a decision only you can make. If you think it matters, there is much worse than NetQin Security, an elegant, comprehensive and even very professional security app that works on Android phones 2.1 and up.
Antivirus protection
NetQin Security is divided into 7 main areas. The main screen focuses on the scan button, which allows a person to perform 3 types of scans – instant, full or customized. Here you can also switch between real-time policy analysis and URL analysis, which is important due to the fast and feature-rich nature of the mobile component. When you return to the home screen, you can still improveNetQin Virus Security database here. In order for NetQin Security to perform this update automatically, you must pay for the Pro-Player version.
Protecting Your Phone
NetQin Security also helps protect your ringtone – as before privacy threats that in turn hijack your phone in order to identify our physical phone that has been stolen. Privacy gives you a bunch of list apps that can also access your contacts, messages, device information, and more, as well as provide details on both, and even let you uninstall them if they look suspicious.
О System Optimization
NetQin Security also offers a number of tools that unfortunately make it easy to manage your contact applications. While this can be done without the aid of a separate application, it is a good idea to be able to launch the software through the user interface. With security netqin, you can uninstall applications, terminate resource-intensive programs, open contacts ahead of time, and more. Despite the size of NetQin, the security program is not very large and did not slow down our Scout Phone much.
If you feel the need for it because of Android antivirus, then NetQin Security is a real app monster.
Author’s Review
Segurança Móvel, malware, spyware removal and Vür electronic protection against hacking phones. Faça FREEO já!
Proteja o seu phone googles android against viruses, malware, spyware, trojans and hacking organizations or NetQin Mobile Security West Pela Coast Labs Certified Anti-Virus Lab. Download NetQin Mobile Security Anti-vÃrus para obterium anti-vÃrus FREEO, com proteà £ o telefônica, localizador forphone, cópias de segurança de dados, navegaà £ o segura, monitoramento de uso do seu important pacote dados (trá fego) e muitas outras proteÃses s segurança.
Localizador de phone, cópias dom seguranía de dados, navegação segura, monitoramento uso delaware do seu pacote de dados (trfego) i muitas outras proteçãoes de seguranía.
NetQin: Uma das maiores empresas de Seguranía para dispositivos móveis do mundo, NetQin Faith Foundation in 2005 com sede em Pequin, in China may have high production value NYSE (NQ) but then patented pelo espalhadas mundo.Conta com, however, out of 600 functions, sends 50% dedicated to P&D.
Aenderà is available as Necessidades e Nachfrageas de segurança do mercado nufactured no mobilidade Brasil. Only the main initial part is NetQin and the latest Mobile Security (antivirus) solution for Varejo (consumidor) virus protection and more advanced expansion operations
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