In some cases, your system may return an error message indicating an error when Powerbuilder calls the external function. This problem can be caused by a number of reasons.
Approved: Fortect
I want to call a function from the working DLL we were designed for. When I try to run the script, this tool shows me the following error: Opening “Encryption.dll DLL error for a function visible on the Internet …….”.
Function and
encryptstringaes (string plainText, &
string sharedSecret &
) Library “Encryption.dll” Alias for “EncryptStringAES”
String function DecryptStringAES and
(string cipherText and
sharedSecret string and
) Library “Encryption.dll” Alias for “DecryptStringAES”
The class name is Crypto and is in the Encryption namespace.
1. We get a C ++ DLL compiled into CodeBlocks, which, unfortunately, has a function declared as follows
(the MingGW @ 8 compiler adds suffixes to the function name whenever __stdcall is used in c ++)
2. The part was triggered by the code using a custom event as shown below
3. The declaration of a global external function in BP has always been as follows
Function string vc_encrypt (char vol, char id) “exdll library.dll” Alias for “vc_encrypt; Ansi “Â p>
Approved: Fortect
Fortect is the world's most popular and effective PC repair tool. It is trusted by millions of people to keep their systems running fast, smooth, and error-free. With its simple user interface and powerful scanning engine, Fortect quickly finds and fixes a broad range of Windows problems - from system instability and security issues to memory management and performance bottlenecks.

(if a string was used as a data type in a record that has the error message “the specified argument type is different from the argument type required when running the DLL function vc_encrypt – invalid stack pointer relative to the return of the function call on the line. …) < / p>
I have no experience with C ++ or various combinations that I’ve tried. The C ++ code was not written by me. Imported from a previous version of Visual Tattoo Studio solution. Wanted appears on the Google and Appeon communities – however, some add-ons that have been created failed to find a top secret issue for this particular issue. We are using Appeon PB 2017 R3. Could you turn me off
Use ole to connect to any CoreObjX70PB Quick Books Activex control and purchase the bug causing the connect function.
The following procedure was used to connect to the.QBConnection CoreObjX70PB:
With the Connect function, an error can be generated.
stringls_reg = “”
The ls_path line implies “C: Temp”
ls_path = “”
string ls_app = “QBApp”
Integer li_mode corresponding£ 2 Â
Ls_text string, ls_listID
The error was caused by the fact that it was originally a synchronized connection to the CoreObjX70PB.QBConnection object.
Subscriber found that Quick that Books are configured to work in multiplayer mode
See the “Resolution” section below for how to get the actual error message returned by Oleoject.
To get an oleobject error, follow these steps:
1. Instead of using oleobject, create a standard PowerBuilder class, a non-visual concept (nvo) like oleobject:
2. Code box of the message, which is located in the nvo external exception event. Write down this specific result code and describe the external event exception:
3. When the following code is executed, the message box displays an Oleobject error from an external exception event:  Â
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