Windows Diary

This information contains steps to set up a wireless connection (Wi-Fi® network) on-board technology with on-board Microsoft® Windows® 7.

  1. Click the Start button and then on the Control Panel.
  2. In the Control Panel window, always click And Internet.
  3. In the Internet window, click And Sharing Center.
  4. In most of the Sharing Center windows, under Change network settings, click Set up my own new connection or network.

  5. In In the “Connection” or “Network settings” window, select “Connect to an absolute wireless network manually” and click the “Next” button.
  6. In the “Connect to a network manually” window, enter “Enter the network name, security type, encryption type and security key.”

    Note. The network name (SSID), security type, encryption type, and security key information are configured when accessing the wireless router or directly. If you are using a standard configuration, this specific information may be listed below in relation to the router or in the manual. If you configured your router using custom settings, you can find out about this by logging into the router on the setup website. If you cannot find this information, inform your network or the administrator of the hub manufacturer. The image shown is an example of the information required. Your contact details will be different.

  7. Make sure the checkbox is checked after that so that this connection starts automatically.
    • If immediately. If you are configuring your wireless network due to the modem not broadcasting the SSID, you must check the box next to “Connect” even if the network is not broadcasting.
  8. Click the Close button in the Added Successfully window.

If your organization is still unable to connect to the wireless network after completing this procedure, please make sure the network name (SSID), security type, encryption type, and security key are correct and try again.

Note. The network name (SSID), security key, encryption type, and security key information are always configured on the wireless router or entry point. If you are using the default, this information can be specific to the router or in the usual list below. If you have configured your router with ritual settings, you can identify it by logging into the router on the introductory page. If you cannot find this important information, contact your network, administrator, or modem manufacturer. Provided imagecontains the necessary information. Your contact details are likely to be different.

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Swipe down from the top of the screen.Make sure Wi-Fi is turned on.Tap and hold Wi-Fi.At the bottom of the list, click Add Network. You may need to enter a network name (SSID) in addition to security details.Tap Save.

To have a good presenta desktop computer or a computer connected to Wi-Fi, you probably need to make sure that your desktop computer has a wireless network adapter. Typically, look for a specific wireless adapter by clicking the Start button, typing “device manager” in the search box, and choosing “device manager” when it appears.