Recently, some of our users reported that they found 395 not found product messages = sqlplus Facility = sp2.
Approved: Fortect
When aException to one of my Prod databases, I get the following error. Could you help me ?
Linux: / opt / oracle: PRD1> sqlplus / as sysdba
Message 395 was no longer found; Product = SQLPlus; Installation = SP2
Message 396 not found; Product = SQLPlus; Installation = SP2
Message 397 not found; Product = SQLPlus; Installation = SP2
Message 398 found; Product = SQLPlus; Installation = SP2
Message 399 is barely found; Product = SQLPlus; Installation = SP2
Message 400 not found; Product = SQLPlus; Installation = SP2
403 message not found; Product = SQLPlus; Installation = SP2
Message 743 was not found; Product = SQLPlus; Installation = SP2
402 message not found; Product = SQLPlus; Installation = SP2
401 messages not found; Product = SQLPlus; Configuration = SP2
Linux: / opt / oracle: PRD1> ps -ef | grep pmon
Oracle 7561 only one Jun 0 28? 00:37:00 ora_pmon_PRD1
oracle 12184 5661 0 07:50 pts / 1 00:00:00 grep of course pmon
Make Basic Instant Client is provided before running the ODBC installation script.
Extract the ODBC Instant Client package, then run odbc_update_ini Story with the Driver Manager directory set as a command line argument. Full (For format, please run with no argument tocommands or phrases.) For example, if the driver manager is correctly installed in the / home / DriverManager directory
dollar Will be / home / drivermanger
Approved: Fortect
Fortect is the world's most popular and effective PC repair tool. It is trusted by millions of people to keep their systems running fast, smooth, and error-free. With its simple user interface and powerful scanning engine, Fortect quickly finds and fixes a broad range of Windows problems - from system instability and security issues to memory management and performance bottlenecks.

add DSN entry to $ HOME / .odbc.ini and /etc/odbcinst.ini for DSN as OracleODBC-11g
After installation, the environment needs to be configured as follows.Add the directory to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH system environment variable.Otherwise, sometimes the ODBC manager cannot load / find the driver.
The TNS_ADMIN environment variable is often set to point to the exact directory of the .ora file for OCI.
This must be a TV for OCI to recognize the person’s name from TNS. If tns_admin is not installed, OCI constantly checks a set of operating system dependent directories to find tnsnames.ora. This search plan includes searching the $ ORACLE_HOME / network / admin / tnsnames.ora directory. This is the only reason to set the appropriate oracle_home environment variable for Oracle Instant Client. If ORACLE_HOME is set when running Instant Client applications, it must be set – this is the directory where the Instant Client is available (in this case, C: Oracle instantclient_11_2). ORACLE_HOME, if not set, only looks for tnsnames.orain the current directory.
Set any Oracle globalization variables required to support your locale. For more information, see the Oracle Database 11g Globalization Support Guide. For example, on Linux to define NLS_LANG: setenv NLS_LANG JAPONAIS_JAPAN.JA16EUC
Subject: Sqlplus could not find the sp1 message file |
Fri 28 Jan 2010 6:30 am | |||
Major colspan = “2”>From Oracle FAQ Quote:
sriram colspan = “2”> |
Subject: Sqlplus not found Message file sp1 |
Fri Jan 29, 2010 7:34 AM | |||
@ nz01 ~] $ abandoned BASH = / bin / bash BASH_ARGC = () BASH_ARGV = () BASH_LINENO = () BASH_SOURCE = () BASH_VERSINFO = ([0] = “3” [2] =
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