Approved: Fortect
Here are some simple steps to help you resolve the runtime error when the data source was not found.
Along the way, I’m trying to open a program for the first time in Windows XP Pro that uses PostgreSQL 9. I get an error that says:
When registering or creating Manufacturing database. Details: driver data [microsoft] [odbc manager] Source name is not displayed and no default driver is specified
I have a list of custom DSNs and system DSNs in my ODBC Manager.I tried to program the postgres odbc driver to see when it helps, but it didn’t work.
The connect.dat file with the line “OLE DB MSDASQL Provider” =. Changing this entry moves an error message that I actually get: “The provider was not found, it might not be installed correctly.”
I don’t know which agency to call to make this work properly. I have looked into this error in detail but to no avail. Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
June didn’t ask until fourteen 13 at 7:08 pm.
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Troubleshooting plan: [Microsoft] [ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified.
This error means that the Data Source Name (DSN) you specified in the connection configuration definitely does not match the name specified in the registration windows.
It is imperative that the executable and binding format (ELF) of your ODBC driver matches the format of your current application. In other words, you are asking for a 32-bit driver for a 32-bit plan, or a 64-bit driver for a new 64-bit application.
If they do not match, perhaps you can customizeFind a DSN for a 32-bit driver. If you try to use this DSN in a 64-bit process, the DSN will not be found because most of the registry contains different DSN information depending on the ELF (32-bit or 64-bit).
Make sure you are using the correct ODBC administration tool. On 32-bit and 64-bit Windows, this standard ODBC administration tool is actually
c: Windows System32 odbcad32 in.exe
. However, on a 64-bit Windows computer, the default display is 64-bit. If you need to use any 32 bit ODBC administration tool on the best 64 bit Windows system, you should find it here:C: Windows SysWOW64 odbcad32.exe
I see these people get confused when a user uses a standard 64-bit ODBC administrator to set up a DSN; I think this is for 32 bit DSN. Then, when a 32-bit application tries to connect to this DSN, “Data source not found …” is displayed.
It is also important to ensure that the spelling of the DSN usually matches the DSN configured in the ODBC administrator. One bad one is enoughLetters so that the DSN does not match.
Here is an article that may have more details
Approved: Fortect
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However, it may be a different brand of product that you are. This is a common problem when using ODBC data source names.
When you are looking for the OLE DB provider part of your question, it looks like these are all similar types of problems where the product cannot find a system for a given provider.
helped from August 21, 2014 at 14:11
I got this error in the sense that I had the datasource name here in the custom DSN and not in the system DSN…
Calmed down on January 17, 2017 at 17:39 Moscow time.
The problem might be in the driver theme, for example, instead of DRIVER = MySQL ODBC 5.3 Driver
, try ODBC driver = mysql 5.3 Unicode Driver
. You can see the name of this driver from the administration tool
answered May 20, 17 at 8:42 am.
If clients are using IIS, try
“Application Pools” -> “DefaultAppPool” -> “Expensive Standard Application Cost”-> “32-bit active application” -> poorly defined
answered Apr 16 Apr 19 at 12:27 pm.
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