Approved: Fortect
In the past few days, some readers have been getting an error message saying Direct3D tomb Raider error. There are a number of factors causing this problem. We will talk about this below.
I guess it helps to change the wrong “exclusive mode” but says that the options don’t even start … it causes the main menu to crash.
Is there a way to go back and change the exclusive mode values like regedit or something?
Ok, I would say there was an issue with “Direct3D initialization failed with current settings” when the play button was pressed, and as a result, in particular, the options in the launcher crashed. Basically, you need to disable ExclusiveFullScreen and there is no other way to do it other than by this method, as the exact options screen will crash the entire launcher!
FIX: Press Windows Key + R to bring up the Run command and run regedit. So, basically you need to go to the registry at the top.In the “HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Crystal Dynamics / Tomb Raider” section. Here you need to create a much smaller subkey than the Tomb Called raider ‘Graphics’. You need to graphically create the ExclusiveFullScreen DWORD text and set it to 0. (It should now also be set to 0).
People who say they modify the Windows registry on your computer and find this or that value. If you can’t get Pass Launcher, the game won’t create registry values, so there is nothing to change. Once someone has gone through the launcher and returned to the Tomb Raider ledger, you will see a whole bunch of new amounts in there. I just found these fixes and besides I’m so bald about the class that they are not 100% clear.
Express your opinion! Let me know if you get stuck!
It worked for me.
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Hi everyone, today I’m going to explain to you how to fix the error “Direct3d could not be initialized with current Tomb Raider (2013) settings” in Windows 7,8,8.1,10 and 11?
Take a look at this: How to fix “Some of these settings are hidden or controlled by your organization” in replacing Windows 10 and 11?
Find the frequently used query “Tomb Raider could not initialize Direct3d with current settings” (or) “How to fix” Error Direct3d could not initialize with current settings “in Windows 7.8, 8.1, 10 and 11?” Windows error related to 7,8,8.1,10 and 11? “.
Approved: Fortect
Fortect is the world's most popular and effective PC repair tool. It is trusted by millions of people to keep their systems running fast, smooth, and error-free. With its simple user interface and powerful scanning engine, Fortect quickly finds and fixes a broad range of Windows problems - from system instability and security issues to memory management and performance bottlenecks.

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How to fix “Direct3d initialization error with current settings in Tomb Raider (2013)” with Windows 7,8,8.1,10 and 11 errors?
Step 1. Install all these DirectX drivers from the link below.
Step 4: Download and install the display driver uninstall programI follow the link below. 2:
Step now. Select this option to clean and restart and wait for the process to complete.
Always try to update your graphics card drivers to the latest version. This can fix most problems.
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