Approved: Fortect
If you see any Duo Spa washing machine error codes on your computer, check out these repair tips. Whirlpool Washer LF error is a water filling error, which means long filling. This means that the main controller has not received its own signal from the water pressure sensor / probe, which means that the water is not filling the tank or the tank is not filling up fast enough. The control system ends the cycle and signals an error LF.
Error Code F8 E1 Or LF Or LO FL On The Display Of My Whirlpool Washing Machine
KAn error code F8 E1, LF or LO FL almost means no water is detected after 13 minutes. Additional product information can be found in the instruction manual.
If the washing machine had an F8 E1, LF, or LO FL error, the door would most likely be locked and the controls are less convenient. Click the On button. On / Off ”, and the washer-dryer will start the draining procedure, which takes about 8-10 minutes, during which the pump will run continuously. During this time, the control does not accept any input. Wait 10 minutes before trying the function.
Check the liquid supplied:
Approved: Fortect
Fortect is the world's most popular and effective PC repair tool. It is trusted by millions of people to keep their systems running fast, smooth, and error-free. With its simple user interface and powerful scanning engine, Fortect quickly finds and fixes a broad range of Windows problems - from system instability and security issues to memory management and performance bottlenecks.

Check if the water has been turned after that. Check your home water supply to make sure hot and cold water taps are open. Make sure taps are open for correct filling.
NOTE: This type of washing machine must be supplied with hot and cold water.
E1 f8 remove error code:
To suppress the error display frequently, press the Power button once, then press Power Up again to restart the system.ralny car.
Unplug the entire washing machine or power source for the specified minute.
Turn on the washing machine or turn on the power again.
Select the cycle again and also press the Start button.
For a number of washing machines, when the washing machine is first triggered after an error code, it starts to empty. You cannot interrupt the cycle for about 8 minutes while it is running. This is fine.
If the washing machine is installed and turned on just before connecting hot water, you will receive a washing machine with these error codes. If the error code is not permanently reset before the power is turned off, the washing machine will immediately begin draining water when used again. This draining process takes no more than 8-10 minutes. Allow the washing machine to perform this cycle in first class mode before disconnecting the power.
If the error persists and all of the above conditions have been met, call support.
LF On Screen
If selected”LF” is displayed, water may have entered the product. Check inlet hoses to make sure they are not blocked or kinked. You may also need to check the wash water drawer screens frequently. This means that water is no longer produced and the water hoses are disconnected from the washing machine. By unscrewing the hoses, you can scrape off deposits from the screens with a knife and / or a sharp object.
If you would like to obtain or view a product for documentation specific to your equipment, please visit our Manuals and Documentation page.
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Bass while watching Check inlet hoses to make sure they are not blocked or kinked. You may also need to check the displays on the model’s water inlet valve. This means turning off the water supply and disconnecting the water inlet hoses from the washing machine.
If the display shows F8 E1 or LF (too realistic to fill), the washing machine takes too long to fill. An F8E1 or LF error code could indicate a water supply problem that the washing machine is helping you with. Make sure both inlet hoses are connected and the hot and cold water supply is on.