Here are some easy steps to help you fix Visio Windows Installer Error 1605.
Approved: Fortect
When your company tries to start Microsoft Office Word 2004, you may receive an error message similar to the following on your phone:
Error 1605: “This Action Is Only Valid For Installed Products” When Trying To Uninstall On VIPRE
Modified as of: Mon, December 18, 2017 3:28 PM
When trying to delete VIPRE Home or possibly a company, the following appearsthe following error message:
“This approach only applies to currently installed products”
- Antivirus VIPRE
- VIPRE Internet Security
- VIPRE Company
- VIPRE Business Premium
- VIPRE Endpoint Security
- All Supported Environments
If VIPRE appears frequently in the list and cannot be removed due to the above error, it was always likely because in one of the following cases VIPRE keys remained in the registry … Specified registry structure directory to uninstall:
32 many operating systems:
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Uninstall
< p> 64-bit operating systems:
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Wow6432Node Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Uninstall
It is reliable that the following tool is basically used to remove VIPRE through automation:
When starting, be sure to select the second option and apply the fixes yourself. Select the Uninstall option and it will even show you a list of virtually recognized installed applications.
EIf VIPRE is enabled, select it and click Next. Follow your instructions to completely remove most of the vipre from your computer.
Approved: Fortect
Fortect is the world's most popular and effective PC repair tool. It is trusted by millions of people to keep their systems running fast, smooth, and error-free. With its simple user interface and powerful scanning engine, Fortect quickly finds and fixes a broad range of Windows problems - from system instability and security issues to memory management and performance bottlenecks.

If that doesn’t work:
If the Microsoft tool still doesn’t remove VIPRE, the list must be done manually through my editor:
Note. Before the registry makes any changes to the main registry, it is highly recommended that the victim back up the registry settings. To find out how to do this, decide here.
- Hold down the Windows key and press the R element
- Type regedit and hit enter.
- In the PC editor navigate to the correct PC hive location as shown above.
There are a large number of folders for various programs that either existed at the time or are still installed by the system. Each of these folders, which offer randomly generated IDs, should be checked to ensure that the folder was not used for a previous VIPRE installation and remained from previous uninstalls or updates.
If a hive is found, it must be removed. Such peopleThere can be several entries, and you must try to delete each one before it can be fixed.
Registry entry was not removed as expected during previous uninstall or major VIPRE update
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If VIPRE is listed, select it and click second. Follow the instructions to completely remove the vipre device.
On the other hand, if the Microsoft tool does not remove VIPRE from the storefront, it must be done through the PC editor:
Note. Before making any changes to the registry, it is highly recommended that you use this method to check the massive popularity of registry settings. Instructions can be found here.
- While holding down part of the Windows key, press the R
- Enter regedit, but also enter
- In Registry Editor navigate to the correct location formouth of the registry as shown above.
There will be many folders with various programs that were an hour ago or are still installed on the diagram. Each of these randomly generated ID folders should be checked to ensure that the folder is not intended for a previous VIPRE installation left over from previous uninstallations or updates.
If you think about it, the hive needs to be cleaned. There may be several such records, and you must first delete each one. It can be fixed.
Registry entries were not removed correctly during previous VIPRE uninstall or update
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Complete all work programs.In Windows Explorer, on the Tools menu, choose Folder Options.Find it.On the File menu, point to New and select Folder.Type temp and press Enter.Click on the specific first template listed in the Startup folder, then move it to the Temp folder.Try starting Word.
This error is returned when you can try to uninstall an application that is simply not installed on the target system. Error 1605 is a Windows error related to “ERROR_UNKNOWN_PRODUCT”. Please note that sometimes they can occur if the version your company is trying to uninstall is not available on the system.
Click Start. , Enter services.Right-click Windows Installer and select Properties.If Start Variety is set to Disabled, change it to Manual.Click OK to close the properties window.Right-click the Windows Installer service and click Start.Try reinstalling or uninstalling it.